A Stem Cell Doctor’s story:
A Doctor that worked with Stem Cells and did bone marrow transplants.
Someone gave him a
bottle of product and he thought oh.. just another junk product, but
took it to his laboratory to test it. He put some stem cells in a dish
and added the Seven +, the stem cells started reproducing prolifically!
Next he had an 82
year old man come in for a bone marrow transplant. The procedure can
take up to several hours as the bone marrow can be dried out and loaded
with fatty deposits. But when he put the needle in, the bone marrow
practically squirted out! The whole procedure only took 16 minutes!
The 82 year old man
had been consuming our product for the last couple of months. Today,
this doctor puts all his patients on the product. He said that whether
people notice anything or not, it does not mean that the product is not
working on the inside of our bodies…
Seven+ has the highest amount of antioxidants compared with its nearest competitor
This was told by Dr
Joe, Chairman Scientific Advisory Board of Exfuze at the recent Annual
Convention held in Kuala Lumpur, in front of an international audience.
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