Isnin, 15 Februari 2016

Exfuze : testimoni Luka segera sembuh.

Kalau luka sudah tentu sakit kan? walau bagaimanapun, tahap kesakitan adalah berbeza-beza antara satu sama lain, bergantung kepada berapa dalamnya luka tersebut, bahan yang menyebabkan luka, daya tahan sakit seseorang, dan lain-lain.
Jadi, bagaimanakah hendak mengurangkan rasa sakit luka tersebut?

Terdapat beberapa kaedah dan petua untuk mengurangkan rasa sakit luka, di antaranya dipaparkan dalam artikel berikut:

Reducing Wound Pain

Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD

Wounds always hurt, but the degree of pain will vary according to the nature, location, and severity of the injury. Burns are particularly painful, as are many blisters, cuts, and scrapes. While a puncture wound may hurt less, it could potentially be more serious if left untreated.

For any wound, you should take the following steps:

* Take care of the wound immediately, because even a minor wound can get infected if bacteria are allowed to build up in the wound site. If the wound is minor, you should give first aid at home.

* If you get a puncture wound or step on a rusty nail, you should see your doctor immediately, because you may need a tetanus shot. If you don’t know whether you’re due for a tetanus shot, don’t take any chances. Call your doctor. If the puncture wound is from a human or animal bite, seek emergency medical attention. If your cut is deep or has jagged edges, you may need stitches to close the wound. 

* Clean the wound with water. Avoid using soap, hydrogen peroxide, or iodine, which can irritate the injury. Hold the wound under running water to remove dirt, and use sterile tweezers to remove remaining debris. If you can’t get the wound clean, see your doctor, because the dirt could trigger an infection. If there is a large object embedded in the wound, leave it alone and seek emergency help. 

* When the wound is clean, apply antibiotic ointment one to three times a day to prevent infection, and cover it in a sterile bandage. Before reapplying ointment, clean the wound. Stop using the ointment if you develop a rash or other reaction. Change the bandage daily, and use soap to clean the skin around the wound.

* If the injury doesn’t stop bleeding on its own, use a clean cloth to apply pressure. Maintain the pressure for 20 to 30 minutes while elevating the wounded area, if possible. If bleeding continues after 30 minutes of pressure or spurts out of the wound, seek medical help.

* Watch the wound to make sure it is healing. If the wound does not begin to heal or grows red, warm, and/or inflamed, or the skin around it shows red streaks, seek medical care immediately.

Reducing Wound Pain

If you have a postoperative wound, a serious injury or burn, or a chronic wound, your physician may recommend medication to relieve pain. Don’t suffer in silence. If your wound is painful, or if a wound that wasn’t painful now begins to bother you, call your doctor. This could be a sign of infection.
For minor wounds, these simple steps can reduce pain:

* Cover the wound to protect it from further injury.
* Change the bandage daily, and keep the wound clean to prevent infection.
* Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to ease initial wound pain. If pain lasts for more than a day or two, consult your doctor.
* For a foot or ankle wound, stay off your feet as much as possible to ease pain and encourage healing.
* Be sure to get plenty of sleep and follow a healthy diet to help your body heal.

For minor burns, these simple steps can reduce pain:

* Hold the burn under cool running water,soak in a basin of cool water, or apply cool cloths to the burn.
* If a blister develops, do not break the blister. That raises the risk of infection.
* Cover the burn with antibiotic ointment and a sterile bandage. Change the bandage daily.
* Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

* Do not put butter, oil, ice, or ice water on a burn.


Exfuze Seven Plus Klasik sekali lagi membuktikan melalui testimoni bergambar apabila pesakit yang menghidapi luka sembuh dalam masa yang singkat. Cubalah sebotol Exfuze, InsyaAllah dapat mengurang serta menyembuhkan luka dengan cepat. Kerana apa ? Kerana Exfuze adalah gabungan 7 superfood dan campuran buah-buahan lain serta teknologi water cheprone molekul !

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Orac Value Exfuze

Now the next question I get allot is, ok but what is the ORAC value of brand X drink? So I did some research on the ORAC value of the popular drinks.

The ORAC value of eXfuze is 50,000 per liter bottle. Thats pretty impressive isn't it. eXfuze accomplishes this by being a mulit botanical therefore providing a full spectrum of nutrition


ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity)
=50,000 equivalents per liter
Young Berry Juice ORAC =32,750 equivalents per liter
Mona Vie Juice ORAC =18,500 equivalents per liter
Xango Juice ORAC =13,750 equivalents per liter
EB Tahitian Noni Juice ORAC =12,500 equivalents per liter
Himalayan Goji Juice ORAC =10,000 equivalents
Silver Sea ORAC =2,000 equivalents per liter

Report From
Orac Value Exfuze
The ORAC value of eXfuze is 50,000 per liter bottle. Thats pretty impressive isn't it. eXfuze accomplishes this by being a mulit botanical therefore providing a full spectrum of nutrition. The name eXfuze originated from the process of creating Seven+. The "eX" represents the extracts that are taken from each botanical, ensuring that only the most nutrition-rich parts are used.
"Fuze" designates the "fuzing" of all of the ingredients into a formula that is nutrition dense and second to none.
Another point that sold me was that there is no bezoate as a preservative, no sugar added, no sodium. This translates into using a natural vegetable preservative that is cold pressed to give you the highest amount of nutrition.

Kekuatan Seven +

eXfuze Seven – Ingredients

Mengandungi 70 kali ganda lebih Lycopene berbandiung tomato, 10 kali ganda lebixh Beta Carotene berbanding lobak merah, ia melembut dan melincinkan kulit serta mencerahkan mata.

- Mencegah Strok, Barah, janung
- Mengawal gula zdalam darah
- Pencegahan kanser prostat.
Pencegahan kehilangan daya ingatan dan penyakit Alzheimenr
- Pengawalan kolesterol

Mengandungi Beta-Carotene, Kalsum, semua jenis Vitamin B, Vitamin C, dan Pelbagai Mineral.

- Membaiki sistem pernafasan (lelah)
- Menurunkan paras gula dalam darah dan membaikipulih fungsi Pankreas.
- Menyelesaikan masalah resdung / alahan
- Membaikpulih dan membina asel-sel tumbuh
- Mengeluarkan toksid / keracunan dalam badan
- Menambah Oksigen dalam badan.

Mengandungi 19 Asid Amino, Beta-Carotene, 21 jenisb Mineral, Vitamin C, B dan Kompleks E.

- Memusnahkan Radiakal Bebas
- Meningkatkan Metabolisma
- Melancarkan Pengedaran Darah
- Merendahkan LDL Kolaesterol
- Meningkatkan sistem imun
- Meningkatkan fungsi Hormon
- Mengurangkan risiko (cataracts)

Mengandungi Anti-Oksida dan kandungan Xanthones yang teramat tinggi !.

Membantu memperbaiki dan memulihkan pelbagai penyakit saraf.

- Mencegah batu Karang & Buah pinggang
- Mencegah Osteoporosis
- Mencegah kemurungan, tekanan / Stress
- Mencegah kesan-kesan Diabetes
- Anti tumor & mencegah kanser
- Membantu mengawal tekanan darah tinggi
- Mencegah lenguh sendi

Mengandungi Vitamin C, K, E, Asid Folik, Carotenoid, Omega Kompleks 3, 6, 7, & 9 serta kandungan Anti-Oksizda dan Flavanoid yang teramat tinggi.

- Penjagaan Rambut
- Rawatan kulit kepala
- Mengurangkan inflamasi kulit
- Tingkatkan pemnyebuhan luka kulit
- Mengurangkan pigmentasi kulit
- Atasi rheumatism, sakit pinggang
- Menbantu sistem penghadaman

Picture Acai
Mangandungi Vitamin A, B1, B2, & B3. Juga Vitamin C, Antioksida, Phytonurtrien dan Asid Amino yang hampir sempurna !.

- Membantu & Merangsang Sistem Imun & Metabolisma
- Membantu Menghalang Pembekuan Darah
- Menjaga Kolestrol baik & mencegah penyakit Jantung
- Mengurangkan Berat Badan / melawan Obesiti.
- Membaiki sistem penghadaman
- Meningkatkan tenaga & Stamina
- Menurunkan tekanan darah.
- Anti penuaan dan radang / melawan radikal bebas.

Brown Seaweed
Adalah sejenis nutrien bernama Fucoidan. Kandungan Vitamin dan Mineralnya menyerupai kandungan Susu ibu. Ia dapat menyokong imun sesaorang dengan menambahkan sel-sel Darah Putih yang sihat.
- Anti Radang yang hebat
- Penyahtoksik badan

WATER of Life
(Functionnal Water)
Sebagai asas untuk menggabungkan semua " Superfood " yang terhebat ini. exfuze stelah menggunakan Air ' Functional ' yang tulen didalam SEVEN+ Air yang seakan-akan sama dengan cecair yang terkandung di dalam sel-sel manusia yan g sehat. Dengan nilai PH yang lebih tingg. ia amat mudah diserap ke dalam badan.